Skrewdriver - Back with a bang - Ecopack

Sköll -Eroica-

Violent Storm - Land Of My Fathers "The Demo Recordings"

Violent Sturm - Celtic Warrior

VIA Sboi! - Urban Storm-

SPQR / Katastrof - Nexus Invictus - Split CD

Titania - Slutstriden +++EINZELSTÜCK+++

The dirty Bunch- The dirty Bunch

Skrewdriver - The Klansmen fetch the rope +++NUR WENIGE DA+++

Topi Neri - Arrogante gioventù

Uj rend - Ebredöknek

White Devils -Glos Europy- +++EINZELSTÜCK+++

Stormwatch- A 21 year hangover

Ultima Thule - Vikingabalk CD

Verszerzödes - Hate Parade - DigiPack

Storm - Stråtrövarband

Verszerzödes -Hate Parade-

The Apostles of Liberty - Unlock the World